This post is being published in late July/early August, 2022. This blog-site will be undergoing some rather extensive revisions in the weeks and months ahead. We aim to minimize disruptions during this evolution, and hope that you will continue to visit and support the site and its reason to exist for the duration.
Dear Music Lover(s), you may notice that some aspects of the site appear disheveled or disorganized, possibly also some pages may download slower than in past months. Eventually there will be some provisions for visitors to register here and participate in one or more forums devoted to great music as well as how listeners relate to and hold their own points of view or desires to share related information about what has already been posted here—or perhaps to suggest additional areas of inquiry/knowledge or songs for others to consider and enjoy. The bottom line: we do it all for the love of you!
Music is the universal language, and as such it has special significance in multiple aspects of human existence and the worldwide global social order. We aren’t merely pushing globalism here! Our goal with AntaraMitra.com is to provide useful information and to be of service to people who love great music and want to enjoy and support it in various ways. We believe that music has unlimited potential for good.
All concerns about our disheveledness (a word?) if any, are not due to issues with our site’s web host, nor are they related to any security provisions. We pay special attention to security and whatever levels of trust you may have here. Such concerns are also probably quite unrelated to your web viewing device and/or software. For now, we own our imperfections and trust in your forgiveness. Thanks so much—in advance!!
These temporary concerns are simply manifestations of our ongoing (yet so far still partially incomplete) further site development, as well as work we’re doing related to how it functions as a useful service to Bollywood movie (and other types of) music fans!
To assuage any fears that something untoward is occurring here, we simply ask your forbearance and understanding, so please forgive any clutter or imperfections, until we get a better handle on the administrative and content control issues we’re currently working to address and improve.
When the next major revision is complete, AntaraMitra.com will re-launch with we hope at least modest fanfare and we hope, a renewed fervor to support our favorite vocalist and we hope some of your favorite music and movies.
Thanks again so much for your support and encouragement! Feel free to provide brief email feedback to our admin team.
♫ AM ♫