Acha, it seems that we may not get around to doing that multi-post language series before our blog-site relaunch. It was a project that we started and didn’t have resources to finish.
We’ll surely feature it and others in the future here!
I apologize for any anxiety about that series. My sincere regrets to the good professor who began the project. All the best with your ongoing Tagore research!
Today is a better day than yesterday was, because today leads to tomorrow, so tomorrow will be a better day than today.
I’m more about today’s music.
While this site is in preparation for a relaunch, I’ll be trimming back on the size and frequency of posts, and we’ll surely lose some posts as we make room for a new in development.
Come back
and see
Thank you for your patience, and please remember, this site is a work of COMEDY, not tragedy! (All/any contrary assertions are false.)
Lighten your burdens, everyone. We’re only about the LOVE here. Exclamations and salutations to one and all. Thank you each and every for your good wishes and for such insightful, valuable feedback.
We really appreciate your advice, suggestions and unsolicited offerings.
This site will soon take a hiatus because my schedule no longer permits me to keep updating it.
I’ll leave such work to media friends SPECIALIZING IN IT.
The Terms of Service here are subject to change at any time without notice, however we stand behind all versions we’ve published.
We currentlty have no membership mechanism so there is no way this site jeopardizes you or your data systems, networks, devices or data, nor do we store any of your personal data.
Thank you for having a few good laughs and listens/vids with us.
We love you too.
This site will soon be in maintenance mode for an undeterminedly-long time.
Happy birthday to us!