Namaste, Dear Music Lover,
Well, it’s been quite an interesting month or so with (I hope) the once-in-a-lifetime ordeal given the 2019-20 novel-coronavirus global pandemic (and resultant COVID–19 disease)!
While in the early 2000s, I did seriously consider a career in health sciences, instead my film music odyssey followed some TV appearances in connection with Sony/Fremantle’s Indian Idol show.
That led me here to Mumbai where I’ve made friends that I love and have completed my first decade of an active career. So the upshot is today I’m neither a physician nor medical research expert, but I can relate to the many heroes serving the less-fortunate among us. How selfless is their social contribution! Thank you each and all—times a crore of thank-yous.
It’s sad how many have suffered and died; I want to help, and only appropriately. (In other words, I promise on my honor to refrain from offering offhand or casual medical advice!)
Infectious diseases would be a field for others, anyhow, because my interest in medicine as a career was more about preventive health than being a surgeon or ER internist. Instead, to me, “interns” are about being more like health-industry trainees.
In medical science, the analogous practice is called volunteering. Anyway, I do advocate on behalf of benevolent volunteerism. As you may know, service is a big part of many religious faiths. India embraces (or she should embrace) all faiths and acts of human kindness.
Also, in some countries medicine is part of the national government, so treatments can be provided to everyone in the country without regard to their financial means. India’s national health system will obviously endure the same sort of pressures brought to bear worldwide on all other countries, so let’s not pretend we’re somehow immune.
On the upside, however it appears (unless available statistics are inconclusive) that we may be somewhat less vulnerable to this virus strain than most other countries are.
In the interest of refraining from unfounded guesses or sweeping inaccuracies, I haven’t a clue as to why (if true) that may be so. I am simply grateful that the government-mandated social-distancing measures seem to be quite effective so far! One possible reason for this stated in the article: the infection vector is still trending up—meaning this is no time to relax our precautions. So stay home and stay safe!! Save lives (including yours)!
There have been heated discussions and much controversy surrounding what is termed “socialised medicine” here and abroad over the past several decades, and as usual, I’m writing this to not merely offer one or another (biased) political view. No matter the system, what matters most is how each of us has positive roles in overcoming the problems (and we execute our best).
Instead, I want to be emotionally supportive of those who do such noble work (risking their own health by working closely with those who suffer from all manner of illnesses and diseases). Please know that you all have our love and admiration for your healing and caring good works!
In fact, it’s become almost fashionable for celebrity Bollywood actors and their families to cheer the “essential workers” like the doctors and food service workers whose efforts keep India on track to survive the pandemic. I certainly applaud and second their applause and add mine, too.
I won’t get into my thoughts on the essential nature and social importance of movies & music (and other cultural phenomena). However to the extent that we in the industry can each contribute to the greater good, I’m sure that we shall do so in due course!
I want to note to all our fans that while I’ve begun to post more YouTube videos from my home isolation bunker in Mumbai (some humorous, some perhaps not), I don’t pretend that my content includes any substantive/critical health advice. Just perhaps a quirky cautionary tale.
Please! Remember to look out for the elderly and other vulnerable populations. Tbey may need your help or at least some degree of reasonable accommodation! God willing, we will all reach and perhaps surpass their ages. Those of 65 or more years may need special attention. I can certainly attest to this fact.
Because people cannot assemble in the usual numbers/venues to hear us sing and play music, I only hope to make the time you must spend at home a little more fun and informative.
This stay-home business can become annoying. Still, if I can bring you any fun/joy, that’s my goal on YouTube and here! If you’re over 65: we all love and appreciate you! Please remain strong and of good humour.
Who knew that I can do my stage makeup in less than 5 minutes? Hint: I know!
Lol, it won’t save any lives, but if you work in entertainment and your “dressing room” consists of some commandeered space in the nearest ladies room (that’s otherwise in no way related to the usual theatrical activities) or bus/train/airliner loo, then being able to take out your face kit and quickly put on a slightly better glow (or take a shine off) should be quick and easy.
I hope that my YouTube online tutorial(s) will be as useful/fun as making it was for me. I look forward to your thoughtful (or even critical/informative) comments, and rest assured that we’re always ready to improve!
If what I’ve offered online is neither well-received nor of real merit, then I’ll try to find other ways to provide something of real interest/comfort amidst the smoldering hospital ER din in these trying times (for our main role in this life is to be of service to others).
On the noise tip: who doesn’t love the birds singing more given cleaner skies (due to decreased air travel(? Breath is a key to a happy life!
If you have any specific requests or queries about what I post online, feel free to comment below them, and if I can, I’ll address your concerns to the best of my abilities (and time available).
2 metres seems like a reasonable distance—especially if we’re talking about some sketchy-looking ghostlike figure invading one’s personal safe-zone perimeter. You may even need to sweep the brute off to avoid contamination. Safety first!

Yes, it has been quite an interesting month or so with the (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime ordeal given the 2019-20 novel-coronavirus global pandemic. Occasionally I may repeat myself (for emphasis).
While in the early 2000s, I did seriously consider a career in the health sciences, instead, my movie-music pro odyssey followed some appearances in connection with Sony/Fremantle’s Indian Idol TV show. That led me here to Mumbai. So the upshot is today, I’m neither a physician nor medical research expert, but I can relate to the many heroes serving the less-fortunate among us.
It’s sad how many have suffered and died; I want to help, and only appropriately. (In other words, I promise on my honor to refrain from offering offhandedly casual medical advice!) Congratulations and my sincere thanks go out to all who’ve complied and who are therefore part of the resolution of this crisis—globally and in our beloved Hindustani subcontinent.

Infectious diseases would be a field for others, anyhow, because my interest in medicine as a career was more about preventive health than being a surgeon or ER internist. Instead, to me, “interns” are about being more like a health-industry trainee. In medical science, the analogous practice is called volunteering. Anyway, I do advocate on behalf of benevolent volunteerism.
Also, in some countries medicine is part of the national government, so treatments can be provided to everyone in the country without regard to their financial means. India’s national health system will obviously endure the same sort of pressures brought to bear on most other countries, so let’s not pretend we’re somehow immune.
On the upside, however it appears (unless available statistics are inconclusive) that we may be less vulnerable to this virus strain than most others are. Honestly this remains a mystery for the most part, it seems to me. But per the recitation in the linked IndiaTimes article linked above it seems we’re giving it a hearty run for survival in the face of rather frightening epidemic threats.
There has been heated discussion and some controversy surrounding what is termed “socialised medicine” and as usual, I’m writing this to not only offer one or another political view. No matter the system, what matters most is how each of us has positive roles in overcoming the problems (and we execute our best).
Instead, I want to be emotionally supportive of those who do such noble work (risking their own health by working closely with those who suffer from all manner of illnesses and diseases). Please know that you all have our love and admiration for your healing and caring work!
In fact, it’s become almost fashionable for Bollywood film celebrity actors and their families to cheer the “essential workers” like the doctors and food service workers whose efforts keep India on track to survive the pandemic. I certainly applaud this applause and add my own to it. I won’t delve into my personal oppinons on the essential nature of movies & music. However we can contribute to the greater good, I’m sure that we each will do so!
Because people cannot assemble as we usually would in large public venues to hear us sing and play music, I only hope to make the time you must spend at home a little more fun and informative.
This stay-home business can become annoying. If I can bring you fun/joy, that’s my goal!
Lol, it won’t save any lives, but if you work in entertainment and your “dressing room” consists of some commandeered space in the nearest ladies room (that’s otherwise in no way related to the usual theatrical activities) or bus/train/airliner loo, then being able to take out your face kit and quickly put on a slightly better glow (or take a shine off), then I hope that my online tutorial(s) will be useful.
If not helpful/fun, then I’ll try to find other ways to provide something of real interest/comfort amidst the usual din in these trying times (for our main role in this life is to be of service to others). Maybe this Pritam recent concert will be of comfort?
If you have any specific requests or queries about what I post online, feel free to comment below them, and if I can, I’ll address your concerns to the best of my abilities (and time available).
If you’re in a position to contribute, here’s a list of charities based in India:
Namaste, AM