Prescription pain killers? Shouldn’t they just be called Rx killers? First Michael Jackson, now Prince? One take-away from this interesting TED Talks video is the statement that one’s friends have the greatest impact upon one’s longevity.
Also, being isolated is rarely an issue in our country, lol. It’s certainly not a problem for me. I surround myself with truly wonderful people whom I love, not clinging vines who drain my energy and other resources. My family set me straight on this account many years ago, and it’s key. Thanks again!
One mindset teaches “Don’t get older.” I prefer to age gracefully if possible. Wrinkles are admired as signs of wisdom in some cultures.
A healthier approach is to have great reasons to awaken each day. It could be to work on one’s singing or whatever is your passion, or to care for someone else, as long as you feel good doing that. (There are other fun activities I could note, but we operate with an all-ages modesty policy here.)
- Don’t isolate
- Don’t overeat
- Stay active, often (daily)
- Share with a group
- Have healthy relationships
- Expand the intellect
- Be grateful, generous, kind
- Find joy in your life daily
- Be constructive, helpful
- Don’t get run over, lol
- Secure your umbrella!
Don’t get run over and Secure your umbrella were meant as humour, but accidents in the bath and kitchen can lead to serious consequences, so just be alert and careful, and prepared for rain. Be kind, generous, and forgiving to all (including yourself).
If no one else will tell you, I shall: do not stay out in the rain reaching your arms and fingers (nor a golf club, nor your umbrella, esp. the delicious chocolat type as linked here) upwards. That could result in a very unfortunate outcome. Plus you could catch cold!
For your personal safety in high-traffic locales, wear bright or reflective clothing if you’re out at night… or travel with a well-equipped entourage (with well-charged mobile phones) like I do.
The above-linked image of Brazilian music great Carmen Miranda shows that she was a berry good planner (with bright colors, sensible fabrics for Mumbai, and even edible accessories). Also, never party with gangsters, especially those out to prove who’s the baddest killer. Speaking of killer: In addition to being a fine vocalist, Ms. Miranda was a killer guitarist. 4 real.
Do drink antioxidant and vitamin-infused green drinks often. Often doesn’t mean exclusively. I prefer a nice bottle (or 2) of spring or top-quality mineral water!
The don’t overeat thing seems quite easy to follow (where people are known to beg for money just to get a meal). Cook the meal, serve it family style (not in individual huge portions, lol—okay, biryani excepted!) and stop when 80% full.
There have been studies that concluded it’s better to eat a very calorie-restricted diet to affect longevity. I won’t argue with their alleged findings, but you must know quality of life is important.
Furthermore, the current trend in healthy diets is to ensure that you eat some healthy fats (e.g., best ghee, oils like avocado, safflower, grapeseed, coconut). Done! If I have an option, I refuse to cook or eat margarine. There are allegedly healthy butter substitutes, but the jury’s out on that, and flavourful good food enriches life.
We’ve heard one way to stay healthy is to snack a bit while preparing the meal, then eat less than half of it (the beauty of eating half is you can never go hungry), and put the remainder in cool storage, or just leave it out for grazing.
This was conveyed to us by a Mexican family who said, “It’s the only way we eat.” It’s the same basic idea as preparing multiple meals before a busy time. Then in a rush, fast food is far less appealing when one already has a delicious healthy option, like an apple!
FYI, here’s the best way to prepare apples for a quick and delicious, healthy snack: 1) Wash (no soap!) and dry them, 2) Say nicely, “I’m going to eat you!” LOL. Your apples are now fully-prepared. This technique works well for many fresh fruits and veggies. Pritam may even have this requirement in his concert appearance contract rider.
Musicians who travel often are at the mercy of their destinations, unless some trail mix or granola is packed. While I’m on food: water is critical, especially for singers. I learned this the hard way! Don’t be without portable and clean, great water! I so want a water endorsement! I can drink half a litre in one go. Glug, glug, glug… gone!
Grilled vegetables store longer than fresh ones, by the way. So if you just went to the market, it may be time to cook at least some of what you got. That’s how we Mitras do it, lol. This enables taking more time to work up an appetite (and to eat “grazing” style with a drink) and eat later, only when one is hungry.
What I value most about this longevity video is that it debunks some of the more-common myths. There are certainly others! How long we live may not always be our choosing, however I think it’s well worth studying.
Namaste, and may you live long,