My views
A post sharing one person’s views.

Antara’s Namaste, Dear Music Lover, As noted for the past few years… my relentless web team has been chipping away at the design and build of an online forum here to provide a place for everyone to share their thoughts, feelings and opinions about playback songs in Bollywood movies! It’s called Antara’s Bollywood Takes and […]

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, While about 90%+ of this blog-site is devoted to singing, specifically for movie playback music in Bollywood, there are some off-topics that I simply cannot ignore, because for example, my heart 💜 is pulled in the direction of those dealing with the tragic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic that has persistently […]

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, At certain key points in our lives, we each can benefit greatly by learning from more experienced people who offer their experience, expertise and guidance. I hope that, even if you’re still seeking your ideal mentor(s), maybe this post will help to inspire you to keep going and find them! An […]
Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Most great Bollywood movies have at least one romantic scene as part of the story. Often, the leading characters either have a “magic moment” (such as when they first meet, or when a relationship takes a turn, e.g. the couple endures some shared experience—like a fright, struggle or other plot complication) […]

Kindness costs us nothing. Why bother hating—if it’s far too difficult to prosecute or defend? Which it usually is. Kindness. Let’s keep it in mind. I want to add a sort of quick “disclaimer” here and let everyone know that I had no intention to jump into the fray over whether Sonu-ji one of my dear […]
Namaste, Dear Music Lovers, One aspect of being “in the public eye” is the tendency of artists/performers to fall into some variation of “people pleasing behaviours” and I’ll admit it’s practically a given for singers. If we’re not already overloaded with pressure to produce excellence by a music director or composer, we can find ourselves […]
Mumbai is more than a concrete jungle! ‘though it seems I must sell the city as a destination to my West Bengal family and friends based mainly on visiting me and my wonderful Maharashtra-based artist friends, the city and its environs hold natural and cultural wonders that are second to none. While Indians in general […]

Namaste, Dear Visitor to my blog-site… I’m glad you took time from your day to join us. Here are some thoughts for today, about the idea of being or getting busy. Nearly all of us lead surprisingly busy lives, even if we intend otherwise. I know the feeling of being busy, and honestly, getting busy is not […]