Namaste, Dear Music Lover/Visitor,
I hope that you enjoy your visit here. We strive to give you a bit of positive energy and support in your life’s journey. While Indian film music is our #1 item, we appreciate your love and support for whatever we do.
As I’ve noted here before, doing pro music is not all star turns in spotlights and footlights. Occasionally we run into the usual mains power issues and many other survivable “bumps in the road.”
Long travel days in order to do what we do best (singing, working with other artists and composers, lyricists, etc.) are part of my full-time occupation and I truly love doing it. I want you to know that I truly love all of you for supporting me every step of the way!!
I love my work because I’m blessed to be doing it with some awesome music creators and users. By users, I mean film/radio/TV/concert viewers as well as music directors, producers, arrangers and event coordinators. Occasionally a technical or logistical unexpected happenstance sneaks into the mix, but on balance we feel nothing but love and gratitude for our fans and event and venue staff.
My crew at T-Mantra Music and the staff booking our performances are phenomenal. While it’s at times a stressful process to get the sound and instruments all set up, tested, tuned to concert pitch and working 100%, even if it takes a minute to dial in the settings or align the monitors and set the mix just right, we all do our best every time… and I dearly appreciate everyone taking part in our process, especially when it includes a bit of patience.
Visiting Mauritius was like a dream. I’ll never forget it. THANK YOU one and all for your continued support. I could start listing names, but you all know who you are. I love you all. :)
This post is short on imagery, but it comes from the heart. That’s where I shine (in the music—-with true feelings), so I am told.
(I could get used to this!)
For me, the hours and hours of rehearsals, travel, the cameraderie with so many great artists and sound techs, backstage staff and our phenomenal event hosts make all of the work (and any challenges we face) definitely WORTH all of the time and effort.
While Mauritius was extraordinary, these identical sentiments apply to all of our wonderful hosts wherever we perform. Thank you so very much! I’m delighted we met and enjoyed our visits with you. I can’t wait to return.
Our audiences, especially… they/you show us time and again why we go through so much planning, hard work and surviving the inevitable snags along the way. We get through them “with a little Help from our (family and) friends!”
This is WHY we do it: for all of you!! I just love you people and appreciate you.