
Not to worry! (Fixed)

Written by on in Mumbai
Not to worry! (Fixed)

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Updated July 1, 2024: My excellent web site team has fixed our recent SSL certificate issue. Actually, the fix was done remotely on our behalf. If you experience any such SSL annoying errors, please clear your browser history and reload my site. We apologise for any inconveniences and look forward to […]

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Cultivating Our Inner Glow

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Cultivating Our Inner Glow

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Each of us is unique in the universe as a living being. So there is no one-size-fits-all way to explain or even to workably explore the intricacies of our internal environment. By internal environment, we aren’t limiting the discussion to matters involving our blood and internal organs. Some very popular TV […]

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“What’s Our Motivation?”

Written by on in Inspiration, Mumbai
“What’s Our Motivation?”

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Today, we’re posting about the idea of what motivates a singer (generally) and how important it is to have such matters fully under control prior to a performance (live or in-studio). So this is also a play on words, by citing the familiar filmy term “motivation” as often used by aspiring […]

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Her Legacy Survives! 

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Her Legacy Survives! 

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, How can I begin this post in order to best honor the memory of the legendary Lata Ma’am? Only one other musical genius of Hindustan it seems deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Lata Ji: sitar virtuoso Ravi Shankar, whose 82-year career is seemingly one that may never […]

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Consumer-Driven Art

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Consumer-Driven Art

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Bollywood is more than another name for Mumbai. It’s a film (motion picture) industry—in fact, our film industry is one of the most active and successful Indian businesses, and one with a global reach. As such, it not only provides gainful employment for creatives and technical staffs, it represents both a […]

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Finding Your Light

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Finding Your Light

Namaste,Dear Music Lover, In the entertainment field, there are many levels and areas to explore… whether one views oneself as a performing artist (actor, singer, dancer, etc.), or a host, DJ, TV reporter, writer, producer, director or talent manager—the list of occupations is endless. While nepotism has been said to be on the decline in Hollywood […]

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Happy Holi! (Please Be Safe)

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Happy Holi! (Please Be Safe)

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, May you enjoy a festive and pleasant Holi, as we celebrate Krishna’s love for Radha RESPONSIBLY, thank you! We need our film fans to begin to queue up ever so patiently for the gradual, safe reopening of cinema theatres across India. It won’t occur overnight, so we do appreciate your patience […]

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Practise/Warmup Fun

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Practise/Warmup Fun

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, In difficult times like these, I think one useful pursuit for any creative person is to at least try to have a healthy diversion or two… why not embrace a little fun in your life? 😊 😊 😊 So… what could I mean by a little fun? I’ve been called a very […]

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Mask-Mask-Mask UP! Please? Just “Rock That Mask!” Thank you!

Written by on in Mumbai

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Please… don’t tell me it’s inconvenient to wear a face-mask in places like (indoor or outdoor) shops and markets… really, anywhere people must be in close proximity to unknown others. Or if you must, just tell it to the hand because I’m simply not having more negativity these days. Full stop. […]

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Acting Naturally

Written by on in Mumbai

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, First, I must note that this post is not mainly about thespian (theatrical/screen) acting. It’s really about what’s termed as composure or how one carries oneself on stage (and of course, wherever else one performs). Other related terms: posture, carriage, stage presence and persona. Being “in the limelight” (in other words, […]

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Tech Talk/Update (a true rarity for me)!

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Tech Talk/Update (a true rarity for me)!

Namasté, Dear Music Lover, I remain so focused on Bollywood movie songs that I have delegated some “routine” activities like web site administration to Footman Joe (my manservant), who along with limited guidance from a few others at Team Antara/T–Mantra Music covers this aspect of my so-called online presence. Whereas generally it’s more like an […]

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Exploring Queendom (for fun)

Written by on in Mumbai
Exploring Queendom (for fun)

Namaste! Dear Music Lovers, Queens are keen… The idea of royalty is quite ancient. Recently I wrote about mothers as objects of our admiration. The much-promoted and press-covered British Royal wedding of

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