Crossovers in Practise

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Crossovers in Practise

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, While most of us who do playback singing would admit that it’s not an exact science, there are established methods to our madness. In case this post’s title seems confusing, we can allay that or similar concerns by noting it’s not about music practise per se (as in routine musicianship training). […]

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Dealing with Grief in a Pandemic

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Dealing with Grief in a Pandemic

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, While about 90%+ of this blog-site is devoted to singing, specifically for movie playback music in Bollywood, there are some off-topics that I simply cannot ignore, because for example, my heart 💜 is pulled in the direction of those dealing with the tragic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic that has persistently […]

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Shop Talk & Pro Audio Insights

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Shop Talk & Pro Audio Insights

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Let’s “talk shop” for a while, okay? This post is about some of the audio gear we singers use, and how to best use it. As usual, all ‘gear talk’ here is geared mainly to playback singers (and any who aspire to sing for India’s Bollywood movie industry). Yes, I do […]

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Happy Holi! (Please Be Safe)

Written by on in Mumbai
Happy Holi! (Please Be Safe)

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, May you enjoy a festive and pleasant Holi, as we celebrate Krishna’s love for Radha RESPONSIBLY, thank you! We need our film fans to begin to queue up ever so patiently for the gradual, safe reopening of cinema theatres across India. It won’t occur overnight, so we do appreciate your patience […]

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You’re Fine Already!

Written by on in Life
You’re Fine Already!

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Life needn’t be particularly difficult or complex. Our success depends upon our choices. Today, some food for thought: Also, be a responsible adult. Other responsible adults generally prefer to work with adults, not children or adolescents. Practice safe measures like wearing a face mask to protect others and yourself during a […]

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Practise/Warmup Fun

Written by on in Mumbai
Practise/Warmup Fun

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, In difficult times like these, I think one useful pursuit for any creative person is to at least try to have a healthy diversion or two… why not embrace a little fun in your life? 😊 😊 😊 So… what could I mean by a little fun? I’ve been called a very […]

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Pandemic Survival

Written by on in Bengali Literature

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. —Tagore Namaste, ♫ AM ♫

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Finding the Right Emotional Tones

Written by on in Vocalising
Finding the Right Emotional Tones

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, This blog-site is a vehicle to express my thoughts and for advice to you for whom singing is more or less a passion for your well-being. (As it is for mine.) Some people sing to express or convey their thoughts in the usual forms of songs or raags (however, most raags […]

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Mentors Rule!

Written by on in My views
Mentors Rule!

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, At certain key points in our lives, we each can benefit greatly by learning from more experienced people who offer their experience, expertise and guidance. I hope that, even if you’re still seeking your ideal mentor(s), maybe this post will help to inspire you to keep going and find them! An […]

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Mask-Mask-Mask UP! Please? Just “Rock That Mask!” Thank you!

Written by on in Mumbai

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Please… don’t tell me it’s inconvenient to wear a face-mask in places like (indoor or outdoor) shops and markets… really, anywhere people must be in close proximity to unknown others. Or if you must, just tell it to the hand because I’m simply not having more negativity these days. Full stop. […]

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Who Gets Bored?

Written by on in Inspiration

Honestly, People!? Who gets “bored” 😑 in idleness‽ I rarely do! Namaste, Dear Music Lover, My line of inquiry this time is simple: Who gets bored?—-or,How can people with lots of time on their hands say “there’s nothing to do”? I’ll get straight to my point. We each have (one presumes) unlimited potential to learn […]

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Aajaadee Mubaarak!

Written by on in India
Aajaadee Mubaarak!

Namaste, Dear Music Lover, Happy India Independence Day!! I’m feverishly tapping this post out on my phone for a quick reminder to my dear Indian extended family as a way of sharing my love of our homeland and most importantly her people—despite the ongoing drama of a viral pandemic (Covid-19) still bearing down upon us […]

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